
What is DIN?

DIN number or Directors Identification Number is a unique identification number provided by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to an individual who intends to be a director of a company in India.

DIN number or Directors Identification Number of a director is a unique 8-digit number which allows a person to legally act as a Director of a company. The DIN number is granted only one time to a person and an individual acting as the Director of multiple companies does not require to obtain multiple DINs to act as a director in those companies.

Rules for obtaining DIN:

  • In the case of new companies, first Directors up to number of 3 can apply for a DIN number only through the SPICe plus Form.
  • In the case of already existing companies, the Directors can apply for a DIN number only through the DIR-3 Form.
  • In case of already existing companies, the applicant director must attach a signature of any existing company director wherein he wants to get added.
  • For E.g. Mr. Manoj wants to apply for DIN  wherein he wishes to be a director in ABC company. Here, Mr. Manoj will require a board resolution of “ABC’ company along with the digital signature of any of the existing director of ABC company.

Validity of DIN:

  • Once the DIN number is given to a Director, it does not require any reactivation or renewal and has lifetime validity.
  • However, the MCA may deactivate or disqualify the Director if the Director or the company is in violation of any of the laws or, its guidelines or notifications.
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